The staff at Cafe Riva are constantly working to ensure that the Inflight Catering supplied by us for Private Jets is of an exceptional high quality.

We endeavour to enhance the presentation of your meals by supplying appropriate little extras like herb leaves, slices of lemon/lime, a drizzle of dressing or edible flowers. They all add a different colour and dimension and allow Flight Attendants to create impressive displays.

For all orders to Private Jets over St Valentine’s weekend we will include individually wrapped heart shaped chocolates to include in your presentations.

To mark the occasion Flight Attendants may also consider ordering Café Riva’s chocolate covered strawberries for dessert or perhaps just to serve with drinks on short flights. Our other popular choices of sweet treats to serve on flights over St. Valentine’s weekend is Café Riva’s Chocolate Mousse served with a quenelle of Dark Chocolate or Café Riva’s Vanilla Panna Cotta with a Raspberry Coulis.

This year two days after St Valentine’s Day is Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday) which is always the day that precedes Ash Wednesday or the start of Lent. Pancake Day came about as a day when all rich/fatty foods had to be used up before the start of the 40 days of fasting.

There are several different types of pancakes but in Café Riva we usually supply either thin crêpe type pancakes or the thicker American style Buttermilk Pancakes. Whatever type you prefer there is a wide variety of both sweet and savoury fillings/toppings you can choose from. They make a perfect breakfast dish or a delicious dessert. They are ideal for inflight catering as they are easy to store and can be quickly reheated.

Sweet Toppings/Fillings:

Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice and Sugar
Blueberries & Yoghurt
Bananas & Chocolate Sauce
Stewed Apple with Vanilla Crème Fraîche
Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Banana

Savoury Toppings/Fillings:

Ham & Tomato
Smoked Salmon, Sour Cream & Dill
Duck & Hoisin Sauce
Crispy Bacon, Blueberries & Maple Syrup
Mushroom & Spinach